Saturday, May 8, 2010

Marks of a Fantastic Missions Conference

We have had the opportunity to be in numerous missions conferences over the past eight months. I want to use the next few entries into this blog to discuss some common characteristics that I have found present in those missions conferences that were fantastic, not just mediocre.

Characteristic #1: There is an evident spirit of anticipation amongst the pastor and the people.

You can just sense it! From the moment we step out of the van and shake that first person's hand, whether it be the pastor, a staff member, or a lay person, a spirit of anticipation and excitement is present. Here is the key: this spirit of anticipation and excitement does not happen by accident. It is the result of months of prayer, planning, and promoting.

Pastor, make the missions conference the highlight of the year for your people. If possible, make it several days in duration. When the conference is just a one or two day meeting, it is difficult for the missionaries to get to know you and the people. Hopefully, these missionaries that you invite will be an extension of your church for decades to come, and they will be partners with you in the ministry. The more time you have with them, the stronger that bond will be.

A spirit of anticipation will not be built by simply going through the motions. Begin praying that God will truly empower the conference. Begin planning, and ask God for wisdom in how each day will be scheduled. Finally, begin promoting the missions conference a couple of months in advance, and encourage every member to become a part of reaching the world with the Gospel through his/her faith promise commitment. I believe these steps will help in having a truly fantastic missions conference.

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