Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Best Missions Message I've Ever Heard

Last night in the third night of the missions conference at Tri-state Baptist Temple of South Point, Ohio, Dr. Clayton Shumpert preached the greatest missions message I have ever heard. His text was Isaiah 53. He preached a simple yet powerful message on everything that Christ did for us and everything that Christ is to us. The premise of the message was this: "If you know Him, you will love Him; and if you love Him, you will serve Him." There was no arm-twisting or guilt-tripping in the message. He preached on Christ being the Sent One, the Suffering One, the Sin-bearing One, the Silent One (he opened not his mouth), and the Satisfying One (He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied...). He made a statement that was profound. "Any missionary who has surrendered to go to a mission field had to first come to a point where he truly appreciated all that Christ had done for him." Why are there so few surrendering to go? Perhaps it is because so many Christians today feel like they deserve what Christ did for them. And if we feel that way, there will be no true gratitude to the Lord for all that He did for us on the Cross. When we truly come to the point where we realize that without Christ we have no hope, I believe we will begin to serve Him in sincerity.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great message. I have only met Clayton Shumpert once, and that was years ago when he was the director of BIMI's CLAIM ministry. Is he pastoring now? Or was he the guest speaker for the conference? When I heard him preach that one time, his message really spoke to my heart. As in this sermon you just heard, his message that night was on the person of Christ. Can't go wrong just preaching Christ!
