Wednesday, July 22, 2009

From Their Lives: Life Testimonies of Christians in Cambodia

When my family and I landed in Cambodia in June of 2008 for our month-long survey trip, there were two people waiting for us with the Benefields: Ta, my dear friend and Bro. Benefield's "right hand", and Karona, the lady you see pictured here.

Karona has been my Khmer language teacher both times I have been there, and she is a magnificent teacher. But more than just being a great, effective teacher, she is a commited Christian who has a passion for her fellow-Cambodians.

Karona shares an apartment with one of the other young ladies from the Grom-jom-nom Baptist Dom-nung La-awe (Good News Baptist Church), and her gifts and talents are invaluable to the ministry there. She works faithfully with Bro. Benefield and Ta with translation (Bro. Benefield is constantly producing materials: tracts, books, children's material, and a monthly devotional called the "Daily Light"). God has brought Karona from the "infant" stage of Christianity just a few short years ago to being a leader amongst the ladies of Good News Baptist Church.

When I see the commitment and faithfulness of people like Karona, I am humbled at the thought of my own lack of commitment and faithfulness. Karona and Ta may look at me and think, "This man is from America, and he can teach me much about Christ." In reality, I believe they teach me much more about the Christian life and how to live it than I teach them. God is truly using them.

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